
 Welcome to the blog of Petre - Kibtisk Practitioner!

This is the blog where I record my practice of the Kibtisk Way and Kibtisk Method throughout the year, starting on the 20th March (Kibtisk New Year's) and working my way through the 365 days of the Method.

The Method has always been a theoretical part of the Kibtisk Way and this year I have decided to put it to practice to see whether it is something that can be incorporated into the larger framework of Kibtisk thought and practice.

What is Kibtisk? Kibtisk is a life philosophy which is practised as a spirituality and expressed via a conlang. 

I am both a philosophical and linguistic person and so created a conlang to express what I was experiencing and observing in my own words because I was having trouble finding the right English words to do so. What grew from there was not only a full conversational conlang, but also a way of thinking and journeying through life with a spiritual edge to it. This way of thinking and journeying is known as the Kibtisk Way, and the methodical approach to it is known as the Kibtisk Method.

So join me this year as I continue my observance of the Kibtisk Way, but do so Methodically.

Find out more about the Kibtisk Way over at the Kibtisk Hub website

Want to know what the Kibtisk Method is? Check out my first blog post: Practising the Kibtisk Method.

Keep up to date with all things Kibtisk by following the main accounts of Kibtisk Hub on Twitter and Instagram.

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Midyear Review of the Kibtisk Method

The Kibtisk year began on 20th March, and so now 6 months in, it is time for a midyear review. Before I begin, I'd like to point out tha...