Thursday 13 May 2021

Method Tide 2: Vywineut - The Tide of Flowing

Vywineut. The Tide of Doing Vywe. The Tide of Flowing.

On 5th May, the Method Tide changed from Badineut (the Tide of Observing) to Vywineut (the Tide of Flowing).

This was because there was a change in the Method's elements as we entered the second half of spring. The focus on the element of earth shifted to the element of water. Now we find ourselves in a Tide where the focus is on water, as being informed by the previous focus on earth.

In other words, the previous focus was on earth, but now that focus has changed to the focus on water. The element of earth though, has remained, influencing our focus on water.

Earth & Water

Earth and water are the elements of spring. The rains fall and water the seeds in the earth. Spring is a season of growth and renewal, which is why the first two Tides of the Kibtisk Method find themselves in spring: it is time for us to grow and be renewed.

The main element of spring, earth, is present in both these Tides (Badineut and Vywineut). The second half of spring, beginning on 5th May, marks the time for the Kibtisk Method to begin to focus on both of the elements simultaneously. 

The focus of Badineut was on the earth. However, the focus of Vywineut is on the water, as affected by the earth.

Ardt & Vitre

Kibtisk thought equates each of the four elements with one of the Core Notions of the Kibtisk Way

We have seen already from Badineut that the element of earth is equated with the Notion of the ardt. Ardt in English means something along the lines of 'soul', 'heart', 'inner-self', or 'psyche'. Therefore, during the Tide of Badineut where the element of earth was the focus, the real focus for the practice of the Kibtisk Way was on the ardt. See Method Tide 1: Badineut for more information.

This Tide though, as mentioned, is focusing on water, as affected by the earth. What this means is that we are focusing on the Notion of vitre as affected by the ardt. Since we have just spent a season focusing on the ardt, we are able to understand how it affects vitre

Vitre, quite simply, means 'facilitating spirituality'. It is the process of preparing to undertake a spiritual practice, whether that be prayer, meditation, yoga etc. 

The focus of this Tide then is to practice vitren (to facilitate spirituality) and to practice our spirituality, but with a deepened understanding of how the ardt (the psyche/inner-self) has an effect on our practice.

So this Tide, from 5th May to 20th June, is for focusing on how our spiritual practice as affected by the state of our inner-selves. Why then is it called Vywineut - the Tide of Doing Vywe? What is vywe?


Vywe simply means 'flow', and refers to the ebb and flow of life, as well as the suppleness and uncoerciveness that is a result of embracing life's flow. 

This is relevant to this Tide of focusing on our spiritual practice as affected by the ardt because it is something we need to embrace. We need to accept where we are in our selves and our spiritual practice, and go with the flow of that reality. 

This Tide is not a time for spiritual idealism or overreaching. It is a time for us to acknowledge that our practice is affected by the state of our hearts and minds. It is a time to acknowledge that the water of spirituality (vitre) is diverted by the earth of our mind (ardt). It is a time to acknowledge that the water will flow (vywe) elsewhere. It is a time to go with that flow.

For Me

What this means for me personally, is that as I prepare myself to practice spirituality more this season, I am to prepare for it to flow in a different direction to what I would prefer. 

From my reflections on Badineut, I realised that I am harnessing a lot of anger within because of what has happened in the past. I am beginning Vywineut having moved away from the place where a lot of those events happened. I begin Vywineut ready to heal and move forward.

I will be attempting to practice the Jesus Prayer during Vywineut, attempting to heal from my anger, to go with the flow of that spiritual practice, and emerge at the end of this Tide possessing qualities of vywe (suppleness, flexibility of self). I hope to use this practice to heal my relationship with God, trusting that the flow of spirituality within my ardt will ultimately bring healing.

The day of the week that we focus on vywe during this Tide is Thursday. Thursday in Kibtisk is Wisttehe (west-day), and water is associated with the west as well as vitre.

So join me these next few weeks, as I allow my spiritual practice to be redirected and flow according to the state of my ardt.

Follow me on social media for updates (@kibtiskhub & @petrekibtzone) and join the Kibtisk community on Reddit (r/Kibtisk).

Until next time!

Kibtisk Practitioner

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